Looking to add a few plants to your landscape this year? Why not something low maintenance. Here are a few popular plants that will take very little effort to maintain.
Echinacea- Cone Flower
Blooms: Summer
Flowers : Purple, White, Orange, Yellow, Pink
A drought tolerant perennial, native to the midwestern and southeastern United States. Flowers are arranged individually on sturdy, elongated stems with purple petals surrounding an iridescent red-orange, coned center. Prefers full sun to partial shade in fertile, well-drained soils.
Blooms: Mid Summer
Flowers: Purple or white
Hostas come in hundreds of varieties many different sizes, colors, and textures. These plants are grown for their foliage, and are a great shade plant. Hosta bulbs should be divided about every three years.
Blooms: Around Memorial Day
Flowers: Pink, White, Red, Yellow
Peony plants bear an attractive, glossy green foliage that reaches 2′-3′ in height with a similar spread. But their popularity is due mainly to their flowers, usually pink, red or white. Other colors and flower types do exist, however. . Peony plants bloom around memorial day.
Iris Siberica Siberian Iris
Blooms: Late Spring
Flowers: Blues, Purples, Whites
This beardless Iris is very easy to grow and looks great throughout the gardening season. These plants are very hardy, easy to grow, and increase readily. Average flower size is 3-4″ in diameter and they appear in early summer. The sword-like leaves are bright green and remain standing for a long time.
Heuchera Corell Bells
Blooms: Late Spring/Early Summer
Flowers: White, Pink, Red
Coral Bells begin blooming in early June and don’t stop until the end of August. Will grow in any well-drained alkaline soil. Even though they tolerate a couple hours of shade, best results are achieved when grown in full sun.